Source code for cooper.formulation.lagrangian

"""Lagrangian formulation"""

import abc
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, no_type_check

import torch

from cooper.multipliers import DenseMultiplier
from cooper.problem import CMPState, ConstrainedMinimizationProblem

from .formulation import Formulation

[docs]class BaseLagrangianFormulation(Formulation, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base class for Lagrangian Formulations. Attributes: cmp: :py:class:`~cooper.problem.ConstrainedMinimizationProblem` we aim to solve and which gives rise to the Lagrangian. ineq_multipliers: Trainable :py:class:`cooper.multipliers.DenseMultiplier`\\s associated with the inequality constraints. eq_multipliers: Trainable :py:class:`cooper.multipliers.DenseMultiplier`\\s associated with the equality constraints. """ def __init__( self, cmp: Optional[ConstrainedMinimizationProblem] = None, ineq_init: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, eq_init: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ): """Construct new `LagrangianFormulation`""" self.cmp = cmp self.ineq_multipliers = None self.eq_multipliers = None # Store user-provided initializations for dual variables self.ineq_init = ineq_init self.eq_init = eq_init self.accumulated_violation_dot_prod: torch.Tensor = None @property def dual_parameters(self) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """Returns a list gathering all dual parameters.""" all_dual_params = [] for mult in [self.ineq_multipliers, self.eq_multipliers]: if mult is not None: all_dual_params.extend(list(mult.parameters())) return all_dual_params
[docs] def state(self) -> Tuple[Union[None, torch.Tensor]]: """ Collects all dual variables and returns a tuple containing their :py:class:`torch.Tensor` values. Note that the *values* are a different type from the :py:class:`cooper.multipliers.DenseMultiplier` objects. """ if self.ineq_multipliers is None: ineq_state = None else: ineq_state = self.ineq_multipliers() if self.eq_multipliers is None: eq_state = None else: eq_state = self.eq_multipliers() return ineq_state, eq_state # type: ignore
[docs] def create_state_from_metadata( self, dtype: torch.dtype, device: torch.device, ineq_size: torch.Size = None, eq_size: torch.Size = None, ) -> None: """ Initialize the formulation state based on the shape of the constraints. """ assert ineq_size is not None or eq_size is not None dummy_cmp_state = CMPState() if ineq_size is not None: dummy_cmp_state.ineq_defect = torch.empty( size=ineq_size, dtype=dtype, device=device ) if eq_size is not None: dummy_cmp_state.eq_defect = torch.empty( size=eq_size, dtype=dtype, device=device ) self.create_state(dummy_cmp_state)
[docs] def create_state(self, cmp_state: CMPState) -> None: """Initialize multipliers and optimizers given list of equality and inequality defects. Args: eq_defect: Defects for equality constraints ineq_defect: Defects for inequality constraints. """ for constraint_type in ["eq", "ineq"]: mult_name = constraint_type + "_multipliers" defect = getattr(cmp_state, constraint_type + "_defect") proxy_defect = getattr(cmp_state, "proxy_" + constraint_type + "_defect") has_defect = defect is not None has_proxy_defect = proxy_defect is not None if has_defect or has_proxy_defect: # Ensure dual variables have not been initialized previously assert getattr(self, constraint_type + "_multipliers") is None # If given proxy and non-proxy defects, sanity-check shapes if has_defect and has_proxy_defect: assert defect.shape == proxy_defect.shape # Choose a tensor for getting device and dtype information defect_for_init = defect if has_defect else proxy_defect init_tensor = getattr(self, constraint_type + "_init") if init_tensor is None: # If not provided custom initialization, Lagrange # multipliers are initialized at 0 # This already preserves dtype and device of defect casted_init = torch.zeros_like(defect_for_init) else: casted_init = torch.tensor( init_tensor, device=defect_for_init.device, dtype=defect_for_init.dtype, ) assert defect_for_init.shape == casted_init.shape # Enforce positivity if dealing with inequality is_positive = constraint_type == "ineq" multiplier = DenseMultiplier(casted_init, positive=is_positive) setattr(self, mult_name, multiplier)
@property def is_state_created(self): """ Returns ``True`` if any Lagrange multipliers have been initialized. """ return self.ineq_multipliers is not None or self.eq_multipliers is not None
[docs] def update_accumulated_violation(self, update: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None): """ Update the cumulative dot product between the constraint violations (aka defects) and the current multipliers. Args: update: Dot product between multipliers and constraints. If value is ``None``, then ``self.accumulated_violation_dot_prod`` is set to ``None``. """ if update is None or self.accumulated_violation_dot_prod is None: self.accumulated_violation_dot_prod = update elif self.accumulated_violation_dot_prod is not None: self.accumulated_violation_dot_prod += update
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def weighted_violation( self, cmp_state: CMPState, constraint_type: str ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Abstract method for computing the weighted violation of a constraint. Args: cmp_state: Current :py:class:`cooper.problem.CMPState`. constraint_type: Constraint type, either ``"eq"`` or ``"ineq"``. """ pass
[docs] def state_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Generates the state dictionary for a Lagrangian formulation. """ state_dict = { "ineq_multipliers": self.ineq_multipliers, "eq_multipliers": self.eq_multipliers, "accumulated_violation_dot_prod": self.accumulated_violation_dot_prod, } return state_dict
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Dict[str, Any]): """ Loads the state dictionary of a Lagrangian formulation. Args: state_dict: state dictionary to be loaded. """ known_attrs = [ "ineq_multipliers", "eq_multipliers", "accumulated_violation_dot_prod", ] for key, val in state_dict.items(): assert ( key in known_attrs ), "LagrangianFormulation received unknown key: {}".format(key) setattr(self, key, val)
[docs]class LagrangianFormulation(BaseLagrangianFormulation): """ Provides utilities for computing the Lagrangian associated with a ``ConstrainedMinimizationProblem`` and for populating the gradients for the primal and dual parameters. Args: cmp: ``ConstrainedMinimizationProblem`` we aim to solve and which gives rise to the Lagrangian. ineq_init: Initialization values for the inequality multipliers. eq_init: Initialization values for the equality multipliers. """
[docs] @no_type_check def compute_lagrangian( self, closure: Callable[..., CMPState] = None, *closure_args, pre_computed_state: Optional[CMPState] = None, write_state: Optional[bool] = True, **closure_kwargs ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the Lagrangian based on a new evaluation of the :py:class:`~cooper.problem.CMPState` via the ``closure`` function. If no explicit proxy-constraints are provided, we use the given inequality/equality constraints to compute the Lagrangian and to populate the primal and dual gradients. Note that gradients are _not_ populated by this function, but rather :py:meth:`.backward`. In case proxy constraints are provided in the CMPState, the non-proxy constraints (potentially non-differentiable) are used for computing the value of the Lagrangian. The accumulated proxy-constraints are used in the backward computation triggered by :py:meth:`.backward` (and thus must be differentiable). Args: closure: Callable returning a :py:class:`cooper.problem.CMPState` pre_computed_state: Pre-computed CMP state to avoid wasteful computation when only dual gradients are required. write_state: If ``True``, the ``state`` of the formulation's :py:class:`cooper.problem.ConstrainedMinimizationProblem` attribute is replaced by that returned by the ``closure`` argument. This flag can be used (when set to ``False``) to evaluate the Lagrangian, e.g. for logging validation metrics, without overwritting the information stored in the formulation's :py:class:`cooper.problem.ConstrainedMinimizationProblem`. """ assert ( closure is not None or pre_computed_state is not None ), "At least one of closure or pre_computed_state must be provided" if pre_computed_state is not None: cmp_state = pre_computed_state else: cmp_state = closure(*closure_args, **closure_kwargs) if write_state and self.cmp is not None: self.write_cmp_state(cmp_state) # Extract values from ProblemState object loss = cmp_state.loss if not self.is_state_created: # If not done before, instantiate and initialize dual variables self.create_state(cmp_state) # Purge previously accumulated constraint violations self.update_accumulated_violation(update=None) # Compute contribution of the constraint violations, weighted by the # current multiplier values # If given proxy constraints, these are used to compute the terms # added to the Lagrangian, and the multiplier updates are based on # the non-proxy violations. # If not given proxy constraints, then gradients and multiplier # updates are based on the "regular" constraints. ineq_viol = self.weighted_violation(cmp_state, "ineq") eq_viol = self.weighted_violation(cmp_state, "eq") # Lagrangian = loss + \sum_i multiplier_i * defect_i lagrangian = loss + ineq_viol + eq_viol return lagrangian
[docs] def weighted_violation( self, cmp_state: CMPState, constraint_type: str ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the dot product between the current multipliers and the constraint violations of type ``constraint_type``. If proxy-constraints are provided in the :py:class:`.CMPState`, the non-proxy (usually non-differentiable) constraints are used for computing the dot product, while the "proxy-constraint" dot products are accumulated under ``self.accumulated_violation_dot_prod``. Args: cmp_state: current ``CMPState`` constraint_type: type of constrained to be used, e.g. "eq" or "ineq". """ defect = getattr(cmp_state, constraint_type + "_defect") has_defect = defect is not None proxy_defect = getattr(cmp_state, "proxy_" + constraint_type + "_defect") has_proxy_defect = proxy_defect is not None if not has_proxy_defect: # If not given proxy constraints, then the regular defects are # used for computing gradients and evaluating the multipliers proxy_defect = defect if not has_defect: # We should always have at least the "regular" defects, if not, then # the problem instance does not have `constraint_type` constraints proxy_violation = torch.tensor([0.0], device=cmp_state.loss.device) else: multipliers = getattr(self, constraint_type + "_multipliers")() # We compute (primal) gradients of this object proxy_violation = torch.sum(multipliers.detach() * proxy_defect) # This is the violation of the "actual/hard" constraint. We use this # to update the multipliers. # The gradients for the dual variables are computed via a backward # on `accumulated_violation_dot_prod`. This enables easy # extensibility to multiplier classes beyond DenseMultiplier. # TODO (JGP): Verify that call to backward is general enough for # Lagrange Multiplier models violation_for_update = torch.sum(multipliers * defect.detach()) self.update_accumulated_violation(update=violation_for_update) return proxy_violation
[docs] @no_type_check def backward( self, lagrangian: torch.Tensor, ignore_primal: bool = False, ignore_dual: bool = False, ): """ Performs the actual backward computation which populates the gradients for the primal and dual variables. Args: lagrangian: Value of the computed Lagrangian based on which the gradients for the primal and dual variables are populated. ignore_primal: If ``True``, only the gradients with respect to the dual variables are populated (these correspond to the constraint violations). This feature is mainly used in conjunction with ``alternating`` updates, which require updating the multipliers based on the constraints violation *after* having updated the primal parameters. Defaults to False. ignore_dual: If ``True``, the gradients with respect to the dual variables are not populated. """ if ignore_primal: # Only compute gradients wrt Lagrange multipliers # No need to call backward on Lagrangian as the dual variables have # been detached when computing the `weighted_violation`s pass else: # Compute gradients wrt _primal_ parameters only. # The gradient for the dual variables is computed based on the # non-proxy violations below. lagrangian.backward() # Fill in the gradients for the dual variables based on the violation of # the non-proxy constraints if not ignore_dual: dual_vars = [_ for _ in self.state() if _ is not None] self.accumulated_violation_dot_prod.backward(inputs=dual_vars)
[docs]class ProxyLagrangianFormulation(BaseLagrangianFormulation): """ Placeholder class for the proxy-Lagrangian formulation proposed by :cite:t:`cotter2019JMLR`. .. todo:: Implement Proxy-Lagrangian formulation as described in :cite:t:`cotter2019JMLR` """ pass